
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install php-fpm on RHEL 7

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to install php-fpm on RHEL 7. If you're looking to upgrade your PHP version to 7.4 and optimize your web applications for improved speed and resource utilization, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial, we will provide you with clear instructions to ensure a hassle-free installation process.

By installing php-fpm on RHEL 7, you can unlock the benefits of PHP 7.4, including faster loading times and reduced server resource consumption. Let's dive in and start the installation process!

Enable EPEL and Remi Repositories

In order to install PHP 7.4 on RHEL 7, you need to enable the EPEL repository and the Remi repository. These repositories provide additional packages that are not available by default in RHEL and offer various PHP versions.

To enable the EPEL repository, open your terminal and enter the following command:

sudo yum install epel-release

Next, enable the Remi repository by executing the following command:

sudo yum install

After enabling these repositories, you will have access to the latest version of PHP and its modules. This will allow you to take full advantage of the performance and functionality improvements offered by PHP 7.4.

Enabling EPEL and Remi Repositories on CentOS/RHEL

If you are using CentOS 7 instead of RHEL 7, you can also enable the EPEL and Remi repositories to install PHP 8. To enable the EPEL repository, use the following command:

sudo yum install epel-release

For enabling the Remi repository, execute the following command:

sudo yum install

Once these repositories are enabled, you can proceed with the installation of PHP 8 on CentOS 7.

Download and Install PHP 7.4

Now that you have enabled the necessary repositories, it's time to download and install PHP 7.4 on RHEL 7. This step will allow you to take advantage of the latest features and improvements in PHP.

To begin the installation process, open your terminal and enter the following command:

yum install php

This command will download and install PHP 7.4 along with its necessary dependencies. The installation will include modules like php-cli, php-gd, php-curl, and php-mysql, among others. These modules are essential for various web applications and will enhance the functionality of your PHP environment.

If you want to explore the available PHP modules or extensions, you can use the following command:

yum search php-

This command will provide you with a list of all the available PHP modules that you can install. You can choose to install specific modules based on your requirements and the needs of your web applications.

Verify the PHP Version

After successfully installing PHP 7.4 on RHEL 7, it's important to verify the version to ensure that the installation was successful. To do this, you can use the php -v command in the terminal.

The command will display the PHP version along with additional information about the installed Zend Engine and Zend OPcache. This information can be useful for troubleshooting and ensuring that the correct PHP version is being used by your web applications.

Steps to Verify the PHP Version:

  1. Open the terminal on your RHEL 7 system.
  2. Type php -v and press Enter.
  3. The terminal will display the PHP version and related information.

By verifying the PHP version, you can confirm that the installation process was successful and proceed with confidence in utilizing PHP 7.4 for your web development needs.

Enable EPEL and Remi Repositories on CentOS/RHEL

In order to install PHP 8 on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7, you need to enable the EPEL and Remi repositories on your system. These repositories provide the necessary packages for PHP 8 installation. Here's how you can enable them:

Step 1: Enable EPEL Repository

To enable the EPEL repository, open a terminal window and run the following command:

sudo yum install epel-release

This command will install the EPEL repository package. Once the installation is complete, the repository will be enabled.

Step 2: Enable Remi Repository

Next, you need to enable the Remi repository. Run the following command in the terminal:

sudo yum install

This command will install the Remi repository package and enable it on your system.

Once you have successfully enabled both the EPEL and Remi repositories, you can proceed with the installation of PHP 8 on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7.

Install PHP 8 on CentOS/RHEL

After enabling the necessary repositories, you can now proceed with the installation of PHP 8 on your CentOS or RHEL system. Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth installation process:

  1. Update your system's package manager by running the command sudo yum update. This will ensure that you have the latest package information and dependencies.
  2. Next, install PHP 8 for Apache web server by running the command sudo yum install php php-{common,curl,gd,mbstring,mysqlnd,xml,zip}. This command will install PHP 8 along with commonly used extensions.
  3. If you are using Nginx as your web server, you can install PHP 8 for Nginx by running the command sudo yum install php-fpm. This will install PHP 8 with the FastCGI Process Manager.
  4. Once the installation is complete, you can verify the installed PHP version by running the command php -v. This will display the PHP version, along with other relevant information.

With PHP 8 successfully installed on your CentOS or RHEL system, you can now start leveraging the latest features and improvements offered by this version. Remember to configure PHP according to your specific requirements to ensure optimal performance and functionality.

Important Note:

Before proceeding with the installation, it is recommended to backup your existing PHP configuration files and any important data. This will allow you to easily revert back to the previous setup in case any issues arise during the installation process.

Now that you have PHP 8 up and running, you can take full advantage of its enhanced performance and features. Enjoy coding with the latest version of PHP on your CentOS or RHEL system!

Verify PHP 8.0 on CentOS/RHEL

After successfully installing PHP 8 on CentOS or RHEL, you'll want to verify the installation to ensure everything is working correctly. Here are a few steps you can follow to check the PHP version:

  1. Open a terminal or SSH into your server.
  2. Type the following command: php -v

This command will display detailed information about the installed PHP version, including the PHP version number, the installed Zend Engine, and the installed Zend OPcache. Make sure the version number matches the expected PHP 8 version.

Additionally, you can create a sample PHP file to further confirm the installation. Here's how:

  1. Using a text editor, create a new file and name it "info.php".
  2. Open the file and add the following code:


Save the file and upload it to the root directory of your web server.

Finally, open a web browser and enter the URL of the PHP file you just created (e.g., If everything is set up correctly, the page will display detailed information about your PHP installation, including the PHP version and various configuration settings.

Install PHP 8.0 Extensions in CentOS/RHEL

Once you have successfully installed PHP 8.0 on your CentOS/RHEL system, you may want to enhance its functionality further by installing additional extensions. PHP extensions provide extra features and capabilities to your PHP environment, allowing you to customize and optimize your web applications.

To install a specific PHP extension, you can use the provided yum command along with the name of the extension. For example, to install the popular MySQL extension, you can run the following command:

yum install php-mysql

Replace php-mysql with the name of the extension you want to install. You can find the names of available PHP extensions by performing a search using the yum search command.

After installing the desired extensions, you can verify their installation using the php -m command. This command will display a list of all enabled PHP extensions on your system. Make sure to restart your web server after installing new extensions to apply the changes.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the php-fpm installation tutorial on RHEL 7. By following the step-by-step guide, you have installed PHP 7.4, enabled the necessary repositories, and verified the installation. This will enable your web applications to load faster and optimize server resources like CPU and RAM.

Now that you have installed php-fpm, you can proceed with configuring it according to your specific requirements. Take advantage of the additional functionality provided by PHP extensions, which can be easily installed using the provided yum command. Make sure to verify the installed extensions using the php -m command.

With your hassle-free php-fpm setup, you are now well-equipped to handle your web applications on RHEL 7. Enjoy the improved performance and efficiency that PHP 7.4 brings to your system. If you encounter any issues during the installation or have any questions, refer to the detailed notes provided in the previous sections.

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...