
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Node.js Ubuntu Server 23

Welcome to our comprehensive Node.js installation guide for Ubuntu Server 23! If you're looking to harness the power of Node.js for your web development projects, you've come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing Node.js on your Ubuntu Server 23. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our easy-to-follow instructions will have you up and running in no time.

Before we dive into the installation process, let's quickly go over what Node.js is and why it's so popular. Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to use JavaScript for both frontend and backend development. It's widely used by top companies like NASA, Twitter, and Netflix, and it's known for its ability to enhance performance and streamline the development process.

Now, let's get started with the installation! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, our guide will help you set up Node.js on your Ubuntu Server 23 and get you ready to unleash its full potential. So, grab your preferred beverage, sit back, and let's get started on this exciting journey into the world of Node.js!

What is Node.js?

Node.js is not a programming language, but rather a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to execute JavaScript code outside of the browser. It provides developers with the ability to use JavaScript for backend development by repackaging its functionalities into modules. In essence, Node.js extends the use of JavaScript beyond the client-side and enables it to be used for full-stack development.

Node.js operates on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture, which means that it can handle concurrent requests efficiently without causing the program to wait for a response. This makes it highly scalable and well-suited for building real-time applications, APIs, and other server-side applications.

At the core of Node.js is the V8 JavaScript runtime engine, developed by Google, which executes JavaScript code with high performance. This allows Node.js to deliver fast and efficient server-side applications that can handle a large number of simultaneous connections.

Who Uses Node.js?

Node.js has gained widespread adoption among various companies and developers worldwide. Its versatility and performance make it a popular choice for building scalable and efficient web applications. Here are some notable companies that utilize Node.js:

  • NASA - Node.js is used by NASA for its data-intensive applications, allowing them to handle vast amounts of data in real-time.
  • Twitter - Twitter adopted Node.js to power its real-time features, enabling users to receive live updates and notifications.
  • Netflix - Node.js is a key component of Netflix's streaming platform, facilitating faster content delivery and enhancing the user experience.
  • Walmart - Walmart utilizes Node.js for its e-commerce platform, enabling seamless online shopping experiences for millions of customers.
  • LinkedIn - LinkedIn leverages Node.js to handle its high traffic and deliver real-time updates to users.

These are just a few examples of the many companies that rely on Node.js to drive their applications and services. With its efficient performance and extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, Node.js continues to be embraced by businesses across various industries.

Prerequisites for Installing Node.js on Ubuntu

Before proceeding with the installation of Node.js on Ubuntu, there are a few prerequisites that you need to ensure are in place. These requirements will ensure a smooth installation process and optimal performance of Node.js on your Ubuntu server.

1. Basic Understanding of JavaScript and Object-Oriented Programming

Having a basic understanding of JavaScript and object-oriented programming concepts is essential before installing Node.js. This knowledge will help you leverage the full potential of Node.js and enable you to build robust and efficient applications.

2. Hardware Requirements

Ensure that your hardware meets the minimum requirements for running Node.js on Ubuntu. Ideally, you should have at least 4GB of RAM and 256GB of storage available. This will provide sufficient resources for Node.js to run smoothly and handle your applications efficiently.

3. Ubuntu Server Requirements

Make sure you have a compatible version of Ubuntu installed on your server. The recommended version for Node.js installation is Ubuntu 20.04. Additionally, ensure that you have a non-root Sudo user set up and a firewall configured to enhance the security of your server.

By fulfilling these prerequisites, you will be ready to proceed with the installation of Node.js on your Ubuntu server and start harnessing its power for your web development needs.

Hardware Requirements for Node.js Installation on Ubuntu

Before installing Node.js on your Ubuntu server, it is important to ensure that your hardware meets the necessary requirements. While Node.js does not demand a complex hardware configuration, having the right specifications will ensure optimal performance and smooth operation of your applications.

Here are the hardware requirements for installing Node.js on Ubuntu:

  • RAM: It is recommended to have at least 4GB of RAM to handle the processing demands of Node.js and your applications effectively.
  • Storage: Ensure that you have a minimum of 256GB of storage available on your Ubuntu server to accommodate your Node.js projects and any associated dependencies.

Node.js can be installed on various hardware configurations, including miniature computers like BeagleBone or Arduino YÚN. However, it is important to prioritize the recommended RAM and storage requirements for optimal performance. Remember, having sufficient resources will contribute to the smooth execution of your Node.js applications.

Software Requirements for Node.js Installation on Ubuntu

If you want to install Node.js on your Ubuntu server, you need to ensure that you meet the necessary software requirements. These requirements are essential to ensure a successful installation and smooth functioning of Node.js. Here are the software requirements you need to consider:

  1. Compatible Operating System: Node.js can run on various operating systems, including Ubuntu. Make sure you have a compatible version of Ubuntu, such as Ubuntu 20.04, installed on your server.
  2. Non-Root Sudo User: It is recommended to have a non-root sudo user for security reasons. This user will perform administrative tasks without having full root privileges.
  3. Firewall: Setting up a firewall is crucial to protect your server from unauthorized access and malicious activities. Configure your firewall to allow incoming connections on the necessary ports for Node.js.
  4. Web Browser: Any modern web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox can run Node.js. You can use your preferred web browser to access the Node.js applications running on your Ubuntu server.

By ensuring that you have the necessary software requirements in place, you can proceed with the installation of Node.js on your Ubuntu server. These requirements will help provide a stable and secure environment for your Node.js applications.

Method 1: Installing the Stable Version for Ubuntu

If you prefer to install the stable version of Node.js on your Ubuntu server, you can use the apt package manager for a hassle-free installation process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Update the package index: Open your terminal and run the following command to update the package index:
  2. Install Node.js: Once the package index is updated, you can install Node.js by running the command:
  3. Install npm: npm is a package manager for Node.js. To install it, use the following command:
  4. Verify the installation: To check if Node.js and npm are successfully installed, you can run the following commands:

This method is recommended for most users as it ensures you have the latest stable version of Node.js and npm, which is essential for a smooth development experience.

Method 2: Install Node.js Using a PPA

If the stable version of Node.js available through the apt package manager does not meet your requirements, you can install a specific version or access the latest updates by using a Personal Package Archive (PPA). Here's how to install Node.js on Ubuntu using a PPA:

First, ensure that you have the curl command-line utility installed on your system. If not, you can install it by running the following command:

sudo apt install curl

Next, add the Node.js source to your system's software repository list. Run the following command:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Once the source is added, you can proceed with the installation. Run the following command to install Node.js:

sudo apt install nodejs

Finally, install npm, the package manager for Node.js, by running the following command:

sudo apt install npm

With these steps, you have successfully installed Node.js on your Ubuntu system using a PPA. This method allows you to access specific versions or the latest updates of Node.js that may not be available in the default repositories.

Remember, when using a PPA, it's important to ensure that the source is reputable and trustworthy. Always verify the source before adding it to your system, and exercise caution when installing software from third-party repositories.

Method 3: Install Node.js Using NVM

If you need to install and manage multiple versions of Node.js on your Ubuntu server, the Node Version Manager (NVM) is the perfect tool for you. Here's how you can install Node.js using NVM:

  1. First, you need to download and run the NVM installation script. Open your terminal and execute the following command:

curl -o- | bash

  1. After the installation script completes, close and reopen your terminal to load NVM.
  2. Now, you can install the latest version of Node.js by running the following command:

nvm install node

  1. Once the installation is complete, you can activate the desired Node.js version by using the following command:

nvm use node

That's it! You have successfully installed Node.js using NVM on your Ubuntu server. With NVM, you can easily switch between different Node.js versions and manage your development environment effectively.

Why use NVM?

NVM provides flexibility and convenience for developers who work with multiple Node.js projects or need to use specific versions for compatibility reasons. It allows you to seamlessly switch between different Node.js versions without conflicts. NVM also simplifies the installation and management process, making it easy to keep your development environment up to date.

How to Verify the Installation of Node.js on Ubuntu

After successfully installing Node.js on your Ubuntu server, it is important to verify the installation to ensure everything is working correctly. Here are a few simple steps to help you confirm the installation:

  1. Open your terminal and type node --version to check the Node.js version. It should display the installed version number, indicating that Node.js is correctly installed on your Ubuntu server.
  2. To verify the installation of npm (Node Package Manager), type npm --version in the terminal. This command will display the version of npm, confirming that it is installed and functioning properly.
  3. Another way to verify the installation is by creating a simple test script. Create a new file with a ".js" extension, and in the file, write a basic JavaScript code like console.log("Hello, Node.js!"). Save the file and run it using the node command followed by the file name. If the script executes without any errors and displays the expected output, it means Node.js is installed and working correctly on your Ubuntu server.

By following these steps, you can easily verify the installation of Node.js on your Ubuntu server. Once confirmed, you're ready to start using Node.js for your web development projects with confidence.

Using Node.js on Ubuntu

Now that you have successfully installed Node.js on your Ubuntu system, it's time to start using it. Running Node.js on Ubuntu is a breeze, and you can execute your Node.js code in just a few simple steps.

To get started, create a new file with a .js extension. This file will contain your Node.js code. You can use any text editor of your choice to write your code. Once you have written your code, save the file.

To run your Node.js code, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the file. Use the command node filename.js to execute the code. Replace filename.js with the name of your file. The terminal will display the output of your code, allowing you to see the results of your Node.js program.

Additionally, you can use npm, the package manager for Node.js, to install packages and manage dependencies for your projects. Npm makes it easy to integrate third-party libraries and modules into your Node.js applications, saving you time and effort in development.

Now that you know how to use Node.js on Ubuntu, you are ready to unleash its power in your web development projects. Whether you are building a simple website or a complex application, Node.js offers a fast and efficient platform to bring your ideas to life.


Congratulations on successfully installing Node.js on your Ubuntu server! You now have the power of this powerful JavaScript runtime environment at your fingertips. By following our step-by-step guide, you have set a solid foundation for your web development projects.

Node.js enables you to use JavaScript for both frontend and backend development, making it a versatile and efficient choice. It is no wonder that top companies like NASA, Twitter, and Netflix rely on Node.js to power their websites and applications.

Remember, before you get started with Node.js, make sure you have a basic understanding of JavaScript and an object-oriented programming language. Additionally, ensure that your hardware meets the minimum requirements, including at least 4GB of RAM and 256GB of storage.

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...