
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install MySQL on Debian 12

Welcome to our comprehensive MySQL installation guide for Debian 12! In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of installing MySQL on your Debian 12 system. Whether you're a beginner or experienced user, this guide will provide you with all the necessary information to successfully install MySQL and have it up and running in no time.

If you're looking for a reliable and efficient way to store and manage your data in table format, MySQL is the ideal choice. This free and open-source relational database management system is widely used and trusted by millions of users worldwide.

So, let's get started on our journey to install MySQL on Debian 12. Follow along and discover how easy it is to set up your own MySQL database server!


Before you can install MySQL on Debian 12, there are a few prerequisites that need to be met. Make sure you have a Debian 12 system in place and have root or sudo privileges. Additionally, ensure that you have an active internet connection for the installation process.

Note: These prerequisites are essential for a smooth and successful installation of MySQL on Debian 12.

Required Prerequisites for Installing MySQL on Debian 12:

  1. Debian 12 system
  2. Root or sudo privileges
  3. Active internet connection

By meeting these prerequisites, you will have the necessary foundation to proceed with the installation of MySQL on your Debian 12 system.

Step 1: Update the Repositories Packages

The first step in installing MySQL on Debian 12 is to update the repositories packages. By updating the repositories, you ensure that you have access to the latest versions of the software packages needed for the installation process. To update the repositories packages on Debian 12, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal on your Debian 12 system.
  2. Run the command "sudo apt update" and enter your password if prompted.
  3. Wait for the update process to complete. This may take a few minutes, depending on your internet connection speed.

Once the update is finished, you will have the most up-to-date versions of the software packages available in the Debian 12 repositories, preparing your system for the MySQL installation.

Note: It is always recommended to update the repositories packages before installing any software on your Linux system. This ensures that you have the latest bug fixes, security patches, and new features, providing a more stable and secure environment.

Step 2: Add MySQL APT Repository

in this section, we will guide you through the process of adding the MySQL APT repository on Debian 12. To download and install MySQL on Debian 12, you need to add the MySQL APT repository. Here's how:

Step 2.1: Install wget Package

The first step is to install the wget package. This is a command-line tool that allows you to retrieve files from the web. Open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt install wget

Step 2.2: Download the MySQL APT Repository Debian File

After installing wget, you can use it to download the MySQL APT repository Debian file. Run the following command:


Make sure to replace the asterisk (*) with the version number of the MySQL APT repository Debian file.

Step 2.3: Add the MySQL APT Repository to Your Repositories

Once the MySQL APT repository Debian file is downloaded, you can add it to your repositories. Use the following command:

sudo apt install ./mysql-apt-config_*_all.deb

This will add the MySQL APT repository to your system's repositories.

Step 3: Install MySQL on Debian 12

Now that you have added the MySQL APT repository, it's time to install MySQL on your Debian 12 system. Follow these steps to complete the installation process:

  1. Update the system repositories by running the command "sudo apt update". This ensures that you have the latest versions of the software packages.
  2. Once the repositories are updated, run the command "sudo apt install mysql-server" to install MySQL on Debian 12.
  3. During the installation, you will be prompted to configure the MySQL server. You can choose the default settings or customize them according to your needs.
  4. Set a root password for your MySQL server. Make sure to choose a strong password that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

After completing these steps, MySQL will be successfully installed on your Debian 12 system. You can now proceed to the next step to start and enable the MySQL server.

Important Note:

During the installation process, it's essential to keep your root password secure and confidential. This password grants you full access to your MySQL server, so make sure to choose a strong password and store it in a safe place.

Step 4: Start and Enable the MySQL Server

Now that you have successfully installed MySQL on Debian 12, it's time to start and enable the MySQL server. This will allow you to start using MySQL and managing your databases on your Debian 12 system.

To start the MySQL server, open your terminal and enter the following command:

sudo systemctl enable --now mysql

This command will launch and enable the MySQL service on your Debian 12 system. Once the service is enabled, it will automatically start whenever your system boots up.

To check the status of the MySQL service, use the following command:

sudo systemctl status mysql

This command will display the current status of the MySQL service, including whether it is running or not. If the service is running, you can proceed to log in to your MySQL server and start managing your databases.

Step 5: How to Secure the MySQL Database Server

Securing your MySQL database server is crucial to protect your data from unauthorized access and potential security threats. Follow these steps to ensure the security of your MySQL installation on Debian 12:

  1. Run the MySQL Secure Installation Script: Start by running the MySQL secure installation script using the command sudo mysql_secure_installation. This script will guide you through various security-related configurations, such as disabling anonymous user access, removing test databases, and disallowing remote root login.
  2. Set a Strong Root Password: During the MySQL secure installation script, you will be prompted to set a new password for the MySQL root user. Be sure to choose a strong password that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your database server.
  3. Restrict Remote Access: By default, MySQL allows access from any remote host. To enhance security, consider restricting remote access to specific IP addresses or networks. You can do this by modifying the MySQL configuration file (/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf) and adding bind-address = your_server_ip. Restart the MySQL service for the changes to take effect.
  4. Regularly Update MySQL: Stay updated with the latest version of MySQL to benefit from security patches and bug fixes. Regularly check for updates and apply them to keep your MySQL installation secure.

By following these steps, you can significantly enhance the security of your MySQL database server on Debian 12.

Step 6: Login to Your MySQL Server

Now that you have successfully installed and secured MySQL on Debian 12, it's time to log in to your MySQL server and start managing your databases. Logging in to MySQL server on Debian 12 is a straightforward process that can be done using the command line interface.

To log in to your MySQL server, open a terminal window and enter the following command:

mysql -u root -p

This command instructs MySQL to log in as the root user with the "-u root" option. The "-p" option prompts you to enter the root password, ensuring secure access to your MySQL server.

Once you enter the command, you will be prompted to enter your root password. After successful authentication, you will be greeted with the MySQL command-line interface, where you can execute various commands and manage your databases.

Accessing MySQL Server on Debian 12

Logging in to your MySQL server grants you access to a powerful tool for managing your databases. With the MySQL command-line interface, you can create databases, manage users, change privileges, and perform other administrative tasks.

For example, you can create a new database using the following command:


This command creates a new database named "mydatabase". You can then start using this database and perform operations like creating tables, adding data, and running queries.

By logging in to your MySQL server on Debian 12, you have unlocked the full potential of MySQL and can now begin working with your databases.

Wrapping up

Congratulations! You have successfully installed MySQL on Debian 12. By following the step-by-step instructions in this guide, you can now start using MySQL for your database management needs. Let's summarize the key steps:

  1. Make sure you have a Debian 12 system and root or sudo privileges.
  2. Update the repositories packages using the command "sudo apt update".
  3. Add the MySQL APT repository by installing the wget package and downloading the MySQL APT repository Debian file.
  4. Install MySQL using the command "sudo apt install mysql-server". Set a root password during the installation process.
  5. Start and enable the MySQL server with the command "sudo systemctl enable --now mysql". Check the status using "sudo systemctl status mysql".
  6. Secure your MySQL database server by running the MySQL secure installation script and setting a strong root password.
  7. Login to your MySQL server using "mysql -u root -p" and enter the root password.

Remember to always keep your MySQL server secure by regularly updating it and following security best practices.

Now that you have MySQL up and running on your Debian 12 system, you can start creating databases, managing data, and leveraging the power of this robust relational database management system. Enjoy exploring the world of MySQL!


Congratulations on successfully installing MySQL on Debian 12! This comprehensive guide has provided you with a step-by-step installation process, ensuring that you have all the necessary prerequisites, adding the MySQL APT repository, installing MySQL, securing the MySQL database server, and logging in to the MySQL server. By following these instructions and taking the necessary precautions, you are now ready to use MySQL for your database management needs on Debian 12.

MySQL offers a powerful and reliable solution for storing and managing data in a table format. With its free and open-source nature, it is widely used across various industries and applications. By having MySQL installed on Debian 12, you have access to a robust and feature-rich database management system.

Remember to refer to the official MySQL documentation for additional help and resources. The documentation provides in-depth information and guidance on various aspects of using MySQL, ensuring that you can make the most of this powerful tool.

Now that you have successfully completed the installation process, you can start utilizing the capabilities of MySQL on Debian 12. Whether you are working on personal projects or professional applications, MySQL offers a reliable and efficient solution for your database management needs.

Troubleshooting the Installation of MySQL on Debian 12

If you encounter any issues during the installation process or while using MySQL on Debian 12, don't worry. There are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve common problems. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot MySQL installation issues on Debian 12:

1. Check the Status of the MySQL Service

If you are unable to start or access the MySQL service, it's important to check its status. Use the command "sudo systemctl status mysql" to view the current status of the MySQL service. This will provide information about whether the service is running, any error messages, and other relevant details. If the service is not running, you can start it using the command "sudo systemctl start mysql".

2. Review the MySQL Error Log

The MySQL error log can provide valuable insights into any issues or errors that occurred during the installation or while using MySQL. The error log is usually located at "/var/log/mysql/error.log". Use the command "sudo nano /var/log/mysql/error.log" to open and review the log file. Look for any error messages or warnings that could help identify the problem. If you find any specific error messages, you can search online for solutions or consult the MySQL documentation.

3. Verify the MySQL Configuration File and User Accounts

Incorrect configuration settings or user account issues can also cause problems with MySQL installation on Debian 12. Make sure the MySQL configuration file, typically located at "/etc/mysql/my.cnf", contains the correct settings for your system. Additionally, ensure that the user accounts you're using to access MySQL have the necessary privileges and permissions. You can check and manage user accounts using the MySQL command-line interface or a graphical tool like phpMyAdmin.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can overcome common MySQL installation issues on Debian 12 and ensure a smooth and successful experience with MySQL.

Additional Resources

If you need further assistance or want to explore more about MySQL on Debian 12, the official MySQL documentation is a valuable resource.

The MySQL documentation offers comprehensive information and guidance on various aspects of using MySQL, including installation, configuration, administration, and troubleshooting. It provides detailed explanations, examples, and best practices to help you make the most out of MySQL on Debian 12.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, the MySQL documentation is a great reference to have at your fingertips. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic concepts to advanced techniques, and is regularly updated to reflect the latest features and enhancements in MySQL.

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...