
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Dovecot Rocky Linux 9

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on installing Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of enhancing your system's email functionality and setting up your own email server. With our detailed instructions, you'll be able to install Dovecot smoothly and enjoy the benefits of using an open-source IMAP server.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, our Rocky Linux 9 installation guide will provide you with all the necessary information to successfully install Dovecot. By the end of this guide, you'll have a fully functioning email server, allowing you to send and receive emails using popular desktop email clients like Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook.

So, let's dive in and learn how to install Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9. Get ready to enhance your email experience and take control of your own email server!

Preparing Your System for Dovecot Installation

Before you can install Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9, there are a few necessary steps to prepare your system. These steps will ensure a smooth and easy installation process.

1. Open the necessary email-related ports

Firstly, you need to open the required ports in your firewall to allow email communication. This includes ports for http, https, smtp-submission, smtps, imap, imaps, and if you use POP3, pop3 and pop3s. By opening these ports, you enable Dovecot to function properly and facilitate email sending and receiving.

2. Obtain a TLS certificate

Next, you need to obtain a TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt to encrypt your email communication. To do this, you need to install the certbot client from the EPEL repository. The TLS certificate ensures the security and privacy of your email transactions.

3. Install a web server

If you don't have a web server running yet, it is recommended to install either Apache or Nginx. Having a web server in place will make obtaining and installing the TLS certificate easier. It will also be beneficial for future web-related configurations and functionalities.

By following these preparatory steps, you will ensure a smooth installation process for Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9. You will have a secure and functional email server with enhanced email functionality. Now, let's move on to the next section to learn how to obtain and configure the TLS certificate.

Obtaining and Configuring TLS Certificate

In order to enable encryption for your email server on Rocky Linux 9, you need to obtain a TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt. There are two methods to accomplish this: using Apache or Nginx as your web server. Let's take a look at both options.

Using Apache

If you're using Apache as your web server, you'll need to create a virtual host file for your domain. This file should contain the necessary configuration directives to enable HTTPS and specify the location of the TLS certificate and private key. Once the virtual host file is set up, you can use the certbot client to obtain the certificate. Certbot will automatically configure Apache to use the certificate for your domain.

Using Nginx

If you're using Nginx as your web server, the process is similar. You'll also need to create a virtual host file for your domain and configure it to enable HTTPS. Additionally, you'll need to install the certbot plugin for Nginx. This plugin will handle the certificate request and configuration process for you. Once the certificate is obtained, Nginx will be automatically configured to use it.

After obtaining the TLS certificate, you need to configure Postfix to use it. This involves specifying the location of the certificate and private key in the Postfix configuration file. You can also enable logging of TLS connections in the mail log for monitoring purposes. With the TLS certificate in place, your email server will be secure and ready to use.

Enabling Submission Service in Postfix

To send emails from a desktop email client, you need to enable the submission service in Postfix. This service allows your email client to submit emails to the Postfix SMTP server. To enable the submission service, you will need to make some configuration changes.

First, open the file and uncomment or add the necessary lines for the submission section. This will enable the submission service in Postfix. Next, you need to specify the location of the TLS certificate and private key in the Postfix configuration file. This is important for securing the communication between your email client and the server.

Additionally, it is recommended to configure Postfix to log TLS connections and disable insecure SSL/TLS versions. By logging TLS connections, you can monitor the encryption process and ensure the security of your emails. Disabling insecure SSL/TLS versions helps protect your email server from potential security vulnerabilities.


  1. Edit the file to enable the submission service in Postfix.
  2. Specify the location of the TLS certificate and private key in the Postfix configuration file.
  3. Configure Postfix to log TLS connections and disable insecure SSL/TLS versions.

By following these steps, you will successfully enable the submission service in Postfix and be able to send emails from your desktop email client using Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9.

Installing Dovecot IMAP Server

Now that you have completed the necessary prerequisites and enabled the submission service in Postfix, it's time to install Dovecot on your Rocky Linux 9 system. The installation process is straightforward and can be done with a single command.

To install Dovecot, open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo dnf install dovecot

This command will install the Dovecot IMAP server package on your system. Once the installation is complete, you can start and enable Dovecot to run at boot time by executing the following commands:

sudo systemctl start dovecot

sudo systemctl enable dovecot

After enabling Dovecot, you need to configure its main configuration file to customize its behavior according to your requirements. You can use your preferred text editor to open the configuration file, which is located at /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.

Within the configuration file, you can enable the IMAP and LMTP protocols, specify the location of the user's mailbox, and configure the mail_privileged_group. Feel free to explore the configuration options and make the necessary changes to suit your needs.

Configuring Mailbox Location

Configuring the mailbox location is a crucial step in setting up Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9. By editing the 10-mail.conf file, you can specify the mailbox location using the Maildir format. This format allows email messages to be stored in individual files under each user's home directory, providing efficient organization and easy access. Additionally, it ensures data integrity and simplifies backup procedures, making it an ideal choice for managing your email server.

When configuring the mailbox location, it is important to add the mail_privileged_group line to the configuration file. By specifying the privileged group, Dovecot can read the user's INBOX folder correctly and ensure seamless access to email contents. This step is essential to prevent any permission-related issues and ensure smooth functioning of the email server.

To further enhance your Dovecot setup on Rocky Linux 9, the 10-master.conf file comes into play. This file allows you to configure the location of the authentication socket, facilitating secure authentication and access control. By correctly specifying the authentication socket's location, you can ensure that only authorized users can connect to your email server, keeping your communications private and secure.

Example Configuration:

mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
mail_privileged_group = mail

unix_listener auth-userdb {
mode = 0666
user = dovecot
group = dovecot

By carefully configuring the mailbox location and authentication socket, you can optimize your Dovecot setup on Rocky Linux 9 and ensure smooth, secure email operations. These settings provide a solid foundation for managing your email server and ensuring seamless communication with your desktop email client. With your mailbox location correctly configured, you can now move on to the next steps in the installation and configuration process to fully customize your email server.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the easy installation of Dovecot on Rocky Linux 9. By following this step-by-step guide, you have enhanced your system's email functionality and set up your own email server.

With Dovecot installed, you can now enjoy the benefits of receiving and sending emails using popular desktop email clients like Mozilla Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook. This powerful open-source IMAP server provides a secure and efficient solution for managing your email communication.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions during the installation process, don't hesitate to reach out for support. The Dovecot community and knowledgeable experts are always ready to assist you in getting the most out of your email server setup on Rocky Linux 9.

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...