
How to Redirect Your Website to Any Page or External Domain

How to Redirect Your Website to Any Page or External Domain

In this article, I'll explain how to redirect any page of your website to an external domain through code 301 redirects. This allows you to have absolute control over the web traffic that you receive. The ability to change the URL of a post or page is a feature that many WordPress users take for granted. With this article, we will teach you how to redirect your website to any page or external domain which can be extremely beneficial for SEO and security purposes. 

1. Log in to your cPanel account.

2. In the Domains section, click on Redirects. 

3. Under Add Redirect, you should enter the following details and choose the appropriate options.  
Type: Choose Permanent (301) or Temporary (302).  
https?://(www.)? Leave this as it is, or should you want to redirect a directory or a page, enter the name of your directory or a full page in the text box.  
Redirects to: Points to where you want to redirect your current domain or a page.  

4. Click on Add.  

With our comprehensive guide on redirecting websites, you'll have all the information and resources needed to successfully implement redirection for any page or external domain. Boost your website's usability and functionality today! 

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...