
How to Check if Your Domain is Using Cloudflare in cPanel

How to Check if Your Domain is Using Cloudflare in cPanel

Step-by-step guide on checking Cloudflare in cPanel 
We provide detailed instructions on how to check if your domain is using Cloudflare in cPanel, a widely used control panel for managing web hosting accounts. Our step-by-step guide ensures that even individuals with limited technical knowledge can easily navigate through the process. 

You can check the status of your Cloudflare in cPanel.


1. Log in to your cPanel account.


2. In the Software section, click on Cloudflare.



3. Click on Sign in Here to access your Cloudflare account.



4. Click on Domains in the menu.



5. Below Use Cloudflare, if your domain uses it, the status should be Active. If it is inactive, it means your domain is not using Cloudflare. 


By following our guide and understanding the benefits of Cloudflare integration, you can ensure that your website is leveraging the best technology for improved security, performance, and user experience. Don't underestimate the power of a well-optimized and secure online presence! 

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...