
Guide: How to Configure Virtual Hosts on AlmaLinux 9 Easily

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on configuring virtual hosts on AlmaLinux 9. If you're looking to host multiple websites on your server, even with just one public IP address, this guide is for you. We will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up virtual hosts using Apache, the web server compatible with AlmaLinux 9. By the end of this guide, you'll have the knowledge to manage multiple domains with different configurations on your AlmaLinux 9 server.


Before you can proceed with the configuration of virtual hosts on your AlmaLinux 9 server, there are a few pre-requisites that you need to take care of:

  1. Access to an AlmaLinux 9 server: Make sure you have access to an AlmaLinux 9 server where you want to configure virtual hosts.
  2. Non-root user with sudo privileges: It is recommended to create a non-root user with sudo privileges to carry out the necessary configurations.
  3. Installation of a Firewall component: To ensure the security of your virtual hosts, you need to have a Firewall component installed on your server. This will help protect your server from unauthorized access.

By ensuring these pre-requisites are met, you will have a solid foundation to begin configuring virtual hosts on your AlmaLinux 9 server. It's important to set up these requirements before proceeding further to avoid any potential issues during the configuration process.

Apache Installation

To configure virtual hosts on your AlmaLinux 9 server, you will first need to install Apache, the web server compatible with AlmaLinux 9. The installation process is straightforward and can be done using the dnf package manager.

To begin, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo dnf install httpd

This command will download and install all the necessary packages for Apache to run on your server, including any dependencies that are required. Once the installation is complete, you will have the Apache web server installed and ready for configuration.

With Apache successfully installed, you can now proceed to the next section to check the status of your web server and ensure it is running correctly.

Checking the Status of Your Web Server

After installing Apache, it is important to check the status of your web server to ensure that it is running smoothly. To do this, you can use the systemctl command, which provides a convenient way to manage the Apache service.

To start the Apache service, use the command: sudo systemctl start httpd. This will initiate the web server and make it active on your AlmaLinux 9 server.

Once the service is running, you can check its status by using the command: sudo systemctl status httpd. This will display detailed information about the Apache service, including whether it is active and running without any errors.

Understanding the systemctl Command

The systemctl command is a powerful tool that allows you to manage various system services on your AlmaLinux 9 server. In the context of Apache, it enables you to start, stop, restart, reload, disable, or enable the service.

For example, if you want to stop the Apache service, you can use the command: sudo systemctl stop httpd. Similarly, if you want to restart the service after making configuration changes, you can use: sudo systemctl restart httpd.

By utilizing the systemctl command, you have complete control over the Apache service on your AlmaLinux 9 server, ensuring that it is always operational and functioning as expected.

Configuring Virtual Hosts

Configuring virtual hosts on AlmaLinux 9 is a straightforward process that allows you to host multiple websites on the same server. To get started, you'll need to create separate directories for each site. These directories will store the HTML files and log files for each website, keeping them organized and separate from one another.

Once you have the directories set up, it's important to set the appropriate permissions for them. This ensures that the web server can access the files and serve them to visitors. By configuring separate directories for each site, you can easily manage the content and configurations for individual domains.

In addition to separate directories, it's also recommended to create subfolders within each site directory for the HTML and log files. This further enhances organization and makes it easier to locate specific files when needed. The HTML subfolder will contain the actual website content, while the log subfolder will store the server logs for that particular site. This structure simplifies maintenance and troubleshooting.


  1. Create separate directories for each site
  2. Set appropriate permissions for the directories
  3. Create subfolders for HTML and log files within each site directory

By following these steps, you can configure virtual hosts on AlmaLinux 9 effectively. This allows you to manage multiple websites with ease and maintain a clean and organized server environment. Virtual hosts offer flexibility and scalability, making it a valuable tool for website hosting.

Creating Sample Pages and Virtual Host Files

Now that you have set up the necessary directories for your virtual hosts, it's time to create sample HTML pages for each site. These pages will serve as placeholders until you add your actual website content. Using your favorite text editor, open a new file and write the HTML code for your sample page. Don't forget to save the file with the appropriate extension, such as ".html".

Once you have created the sample pages, it's time to create the virtual host files. These files contain the configuration settings for each virtual host. Navigate to the "sites-available" directory and create a new file for each virtual host. Inside these files, you will specify the domain name, document root, log file location, and any other necessary configurations.

Example Virtual Host File:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/example
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/example-error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/example-access.log combined

After creating the virtual host files, you will need to enable them. Navigate to the "sites-enabled" directory and create a symbolic link for each virtual host file. This will make the virtual host active and accessible by the Apache web server. Once the symbolic links are created, you can restart Apache to apply the changes and start serving your websites.

SELinux Permissions for Virtual Hosts

In order to ensure the security of your server, it is important to configure SELinux permissions for your virtual hosts on AlmaLinux 9. SELinux, or Security-Enhanced Linux, is a security module in the Linux kernel that works in conjunction with Apache to provide additional layers of protection.

When setting up SELinux permissions for your virtual hosts, you have two options: universal privileges or specific directory privileges. Universal privileges allow Apache to access all directories on your server, while specific directory privileges allow you to grant Apache access to individual directories based on your specific requirements.

To set universal privileges for Apache, you can use the following command: sudo setsebool -P httpd_unified 1. This command allows Apache to access all directories on your server, ensuring that it has the necessary permissions to serve your virtual hosts.

If you prefer to set specific directory privileges, you can use the chcon command to change the SELinux context of the directory you wish to grant access to. For example, if you want to grant Apache access to a directory called "example", you can use the following command: sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /path/to/example. This command sets the SELinux context of the "example" directory to allow Apache access.

Recommended SELinux Configuration

For better security and control, it is recommended to use specific directory privileges rather than universal privileges. By granting Apache access only to the directories it requires, you can minimize potential security risks.

When configuring SELinux permissions for your virtual hosts, keep in mind the following best practices:

  1. Ensure that the SELinux context of your virtual host directories is set to httpd_sys_content_t to allow Apache access.
  2. Avoid using the httpd_sys_rw_content_t context for directories that do not require write access by Apache.
  3. Regularly review your SELinux configuration and audit logs to identify and address any security issues.

By following these recommendations, you can enhance the security of your virtual hosts and minimize the risk of unauthorized access or malicious activity on your AlmaLinux 9 server.

Testing the Virtual Hosts

After configuring the virtual hosts on your AlmaLinux 9 server, it is crucial to test their functionality to ensure they are working as expected. Here are the steps to test your virtual hosts:

1. Restarting Apache

Once you have made the necessary configurations, restart the Apache service by running the command "sudo systemctl restart httpd". This will apply the changes you made to the virtual hosts and ensure that they are up and running.

2. Checking Log Files

It's essential to monitor the log files of each virtual host to identify any potential errors or issues. You can find the log files in the directories you created for each virtual host. Use the command "sudo tail -f /var/log/httpd/{virtual_host}.log" to view the log files in real-time and keep track of any activity or errors.

3. Testing the Websites

To test your virtual hosts, enter their respective domain names in your web browser. This will allow you to access the websites associated with each virtual host. Make sure to check if the content is displayed correctly and if any functionalities, such as forms or menus, are working as intended.

By following these testing steps, you can ensure that your virtual hosts on AlmaLinux 9 are functioning correctly and providing the desired hosting capabilities. Regularly checking the log files and testing the websites will help you detect and resolve any potential issues, ensuring a smooth and reliable hosting experience.

Managing Apache Process

Once you have successfully configured virtual hosts on your AlmaLinux 9 server, it's important to know how to manage the Apache process. The systemctl command provides a convenient way to control Apache and perform various actions.

Starting and Stopping Apache: If you need to start or stop Apache, use the following commands:

  • sudo systemctl start httpd - This command will start the Apache service.
  • sudo systemctl stop httpd - This command will stop the Apache service.

Restarting and Reloading Apache: To restart Apache and apply any changes made to the configuration, use the following commands:

  • sudo systemctl restart httpd - This command will stop and then start the Apache service.
  • sudo systemctl reload httpd - This command will reload the configuration without stopping the Apache service.

Disabling and Enabling Apache: If you want to disable or enable Apache, follow these steps:

  1. To disable Apache: sudo systemctl disable httpd
  2. To enable Apache: sudo systemctl enable httpd

With these commands at your disposal, you have full control over the Apache process on your AlmaLinux 9 server. Whether you need to start, stop, restart, reload, disable, or enable Apache, the systemctl command makes managing Apache a breeze.


Congratulations on successfully configuring virtual hosts on your AlmaLinux 9 server! You have now unlocked the full potential of your server by enabling the hosting of multiple websites using Apache. This powerful feature allows you to manage different domains with their own configurations, expanding your web hosting capabilities.

With virtual hosts, you can efficiently organize and separate your websites, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for both you and your visitors. Each site has its own dedicated directory for HTML files and log files, keeping them organized and easily accessible.

By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you have gained the knowledge to set up virtual hosts on AlmaLinux 9. This will enable you to expand your online presence, host multiple websites, and provide tailored experiences for your users.

Now that you have successfully configured virtual hosts, enjoy the benefits of enhanced website management and take your AlmaLinux 9 server to new heights!

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...