
Easy Guide: How to install php-fpm on RHEL 9 Today!

Welcome to our step-by-step php-fpm installation guide for RHEL 9! In this RHEL 9 php-fpm setup tutorial, we will walk you through the process of installing php-fpm on your CentOS Stream 9 system. By following our instructions, you'll have php-fpm up and running in no time, allowing you to develop powerful and interactive web applications.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your server? Let's get started with our easy-to-follow php-fpm installation guide for RHEL 9!

Requirements for php-fpm installation on RHEL 9

Before you can install php-fpm on RHEL 9, there are a few requirements that you need to meet. First and foremost, you will need a CentOS Stream 9 system with root access. This will allow you to make the necessary changes and configurations during the installation process.

In addition to root access, it is crucial to ensure that your system is updated. To do this, simply run the command "sudo yum update". This will ensure that you have the latest system packages and dependencies, which are essential for the smooth installation and functioning of php-fpm on RHEL 9.

By meeting these requirements, you will be well-prepared to proceed with the installation process and unlock the full potential of php-fpm on your RHEL 9 server.

Configuring EPEL and REMI repositories

In order to install php-fpm on RHEL 9, you need to configure the EPEL and REMI repositories on your system. The EPEL repository provides additional packages and the REMI repository contains the latest PHP packages. To configure the repositories, follow these steps:

  1. First, enable the EPEL repository by running the command:
    sudo dnf install epel-release
  2. Next, enable the REMI repository by installing the corresponding RPM package for RHEL 9. You can do this by running the command:
    sudo dnf install
  3. Once the repositories are enabled, update your system's package cache by running:
    sudo dnf update

With the EPEL and REMI repositories configured, you now have access to the additional packages and the latest PHP versions necessary for installing php-fpm on RHEL 9.

Choosing and installing the desired PHP version

Once the repositories are configured, it's time to choose and install the PHP version that best suits your needs. To do this, you can use the following steps:

  1. Run the command sudo dnf module list php to see the available PHP module streams.
  2. Review the list and identify the version you want to install.
  3. Enable the desired PHP version by running the command sudo dnf module enable php:{version}, replacing "{version}" with the chosen PHP version.

By following these steps, you'll be able to select and enable the specific PHP version required for your applications and projects.


If you want to install PHP 7.4, you would run the following command:

sudo dnf module enable php:7.4

Remember to choose the PHP version that aligns with the compatibility requirements of your applications and frameworks.

Why selecting the right PHP version is important

Choosing the correct PHP version is crucial for compatibility and performance reasons. Different PHP versions may have varying features and improvements, so it's essential to match the requirements of your applications to the appropriate PHP version.

By selecting the right PHP version, you can take advantage of the latest enhancements and ensure that your applications run smoothly and efficiently on RHEL 9. It also allows you to leverage the specific features and functionalities offered by each PHP version for better development experiences.

Now that you have chosen the PHP version, it's time to proceed with the installation process to complete the setup of php-fpm on your RHEL 9 system.

Installing PHP on RHEL 9

Now that you have chosen the PHP version you want to install, it's time to proceed with the installation process. To install PHP on your RHEL 9 system, open the terminal and run the following command:

sudo dnf install php php-cli php-common

This command will install PHP along with the necessary CLI (Command Line Interface) and common packages. Once the installation is complete, you can verify the installed PHP version by running the following command:

php -v

This will display the PHP version and other relevant information, confirming that PHP has been successfully installed on your RHEL 9 system.

Additional PHP Modules

In order to extend the functionality of PHP, you may need to install additional PHP modules. These modules are libraries that provide extra features and support for specific functionalities.

To install a specific PHP module, use the following command:

sudo dnf install php-{extension-name}

Replace "{extension-name}" with the name of the desired module. For example, to install the MySQL module, you would run:

sudo dnf install php-mysql

After installing the modules, you can configure them by editing the php.ini configuration file located in the /etc/php.ini directory.

Installing additional PHP modules

Once you have installed PHP on your RHEL 9 system, you may need to install additional PHP modules to enhance its functionality and support various features. Installing these modules is a straightforward process and can be done using the command line.

To install a specific PHP module, use the following command: sudo dnf install php-{extension-name}. Replace "{extension-name}" with the name of the module you want to install. For example, to install the MySQL module, you would run sudo dnf install php-mysql.

It's important to note that different PHP modules may have different dependencies. If a module requires additional packages, the installer will prompt you to confirm the installation of these dependencies. You can simply press "y" and hit enter to proceed with the installation.

After installing the desired PHP modules, you may need to configure them to suit your needs. The configuration for each module can typically be found in the php.ini file located in the /etc/php.ini directory. You can use a text editor to edit this file and make the necessary changes.

Configuring PHP-FPM

To configure PHP-FPM on your RHEL 9 system, you need to make some edits to the relevant configuration files. Start by opening the php-fpm.conf file located at /etc/php-fpm.conf. This file contains various options that allow you to customize the behavior of PHP-FPM.

Within the php-fpm.conf file, you can modify settings such as the number of child processes, the maximum number of requests each process can handle, and the user and group that PHP-FPM runs under. These options allow you to optimize PHP-FPM to meet the specific needs of your application.

In addition to the main configuration file, you can also configure specific PHP-FPM pools by editing the www.conf file located at /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf. Each pool represents a separate PHP-FPM process that can have different settings. This allows you to allocate resources and customize the behavior of PHP-FPM for specific applications or websites hosted on your server.

Taking it further: Examples of PHP-FPM Configuration Options

  • pm.max_children: This option sets the maximum number of child processes that PHP-FPM can create to handle requests. The optimal value depends on the available resources on your server and the expected traffic to your applications.
  • pm.max_requests: With this setting, you can define the maximum number of requests a child process can handle before it is terminated and replaced by a new one. This helps to prevent memory leaks and ensures that PHP-FPM processes stay efficient.
  • user and group: By default, PHP-FPM runs as the apache user and group. However, you can change these values to match the user and group that your web server runs under. This is useful when your server is using a different user and group configuration.

After making the necessary changes to the configuration files, save them and exit the text editor. Finally, restart the PHP-FPM service for the changes to take effect. You can do this by running the command "sudo systemctl restart php-fpm". Now your PHP-FPM is configured and ready to handle your web applications on your RHEL 9 server.

Optimizing Apache for PHP-FPM on RHEL 9

To ensure optimal performance and efficiency when using PHP-FPM on RHEL 9, it is recommended to make a few tweaks to your Apache server configuration. By implementing these optimizations, you can enhance the handling of concurrent requests and improve the overall performance of your web applications. Here are some key steps you can take:

Switch to a threaded Multi-Processing Module (MPM)

By switching from the default MPM (prefork) to a threaded MPM, such as mpm_event, you can significantly improve the handling of multiple concurrent connections. Threaded MPMs are designed to handle these connections more efficiently, allowing Apache to utilize system resources more effectively and achieve higher performance.

Configure Apache to use Unix Domain Sockets

By configuring Apache to communicate with PHP-FPM using Unix Domain Sockets instead of TCP/IP connections, you can further enhance performance. Unix Domain Sockets provide a faster and more efficient means of communication between Apache and PHP-FPM, reducing latency and improving response times for your web applications.

Note: Before making any changes to your Apache configuration, it is important to backup the original files and test the modifications on a non-production environment to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential disruptions.

By implementing these optimizations, you can unlock the full potential of PHP-FPM on your RHEL 9 server and ensure that your web applications run smoothly and efficiently. Remember to test the performance of your applications after making these changes to assess the impact and make further adjustments if necessary.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed php-fpm on RHEL 9 and configured it to work with Apache. With php-fpm, you can now take full advantage of the power and flexibility of PHP for developing dynamic web applications on your RHEL 9 server.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, don't worry! We've got some handy tips to help you troubleshoot. First, make sure you have followed all the steps correctly and double-check your configurations. It's also a good idea to consult the official documentation for php-fpm installation troubleshooting on RHEL 9.

If you're still facing difficulties, don't hesitate to seek help from the vibrant community forums. There are experienced users who are eager to assist and share their knowledge. Remember, troubleshooting can be a part of the learning process, so stay positive and keep exploring the amazing possibilities that php-fpm brings to your web development journey. Happy coding!

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...