
Easy Guide: How to Install Epel Repo on AlmaLinux 9

Welcome to our easy guide on how to install and enable the EPEL repository on AlmaLinux 9. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to expand the functionality of your AlmaLinux 9 system by gaining access to a wide range of open-source software packages. Let's get started with the installation process!

What is the EPEL Repository?

The EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository is a community-based project created by the Fedora team. It provides high-quality add-on software packages for RHEL-based distributions like AlmaLinux. The EPEL repository offers a wide range of packages, including networking tools, sysadmin tools, programming languages, and monitoring software. It is designed to be compatible with major Linux distributions and is 100% open-source and free to use.

By installing and enabling the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system, you gain access to a vast collection of open-source software packages that are not available in the default repositories. These additional packages can greatly enhance the functionality and versatility of your AlmaLinux 9 system, allowing you to meet your specific software requirements.

The EPEL repository is maintained by the Fedora community, ensuring that the packages are of high quality and regularly updated. This means that you can rely on the EPEL repository to provide you with the latest versions of popular software packages, as well as security updates and bug fixes. Whether you are a sysadmin, developer, or enthusiast, the EPEL repository is a valuable resource for expanding the capabilities of your AlmaLinux 9 system.

Why Use the EPEL Repository?

Using the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system offers several benefits and advantages. First and foremost, the EPEL repository provides a vast collection of open-source packages that can greatly enhance the functionality and versatility of your system. By installing the EPEL repository, you gain access to a wide range of software packages that are not available in the default repositories, allowing you to expand your options and customize your AlmaLinux 9 experience.

Another advantage of using the EPEL repository is that it is maintained by the Fedora repo, ensuring that the packages are of high quality and up-to-date. This means you can trust that the software you install from the EPEL repository is reliable and secure. Additionally, the EPEL repository is designed to be compatible with major Linux distributions and follows strict packaging guidelines, minimizing compatibility issues and ensuring smooth integration with your AlmaLinux 9 system.

Furthermore, the EPEL repository does not provide any core duplicate packages, meaning that it won't interfere with the base distribution of AlmaLinux 9. This ensures a clean and stable system without conflicts or compatibility problems. Whether you are a software developer, sysadmin, or simply a Linux enthusiast, the EPEL repository is a valuable resource that can greatly enhance your AlmaLinux 9 experience.

How to Install the EPEL Repository on AlmaLinux 9

Installing the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system is a simple process that can be completed in a few easy steps:

  1. Log in to your AlmaLinux 9 server as the root user.
  2. Run the command "dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb" to enable the CodeReady Builder repository.
  3. Run the command "dnf install epel-release" to install the EPEL repository.

Once the installation is complete, the EPEL repository will be enabled on your AlmaLinux 9 system, allowing you to install additional packages from the repository.

Adding the EPEL repository to your AlmaLinux 9 system provides you with access to a wide range of open-source software packages, expanding the functionality and versatility of your system. By following these simple steps, you can easily enhance your AlmaLinux 9 experience.

How to Verify the EPEL Repository Installation

After successfully installing the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system, it's important to verify the installation to ensure that everything is functioning correctly. Here are some simple steps to help you verify the EPEL repository installation:

Run the command yum update to update all the software packages on your system. This will also ensure that any packages from the EPEL repository are installed properly.

Next, run the command rpm -qa | grep epel to check if the EPEL repository packages are installed. This command will list all the packages that have "epel" in their name, indicating that they are part of the EPEL repository.

Finally, run the command yum repolist to list all the active repositories on your system. Make sure that the EPEL repository is enabled and included in the list of repositories.

By following these steps, you can easily verify that the EPEL repository is installed correctly on your AlmaLinux 9 system. This will ensure that you can confidently use the repository to install additional packages and take advantage of the wide range of software available.

How to Use the EPEL Repository to Install Packages

Now that you have successfully installed and verified the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system, it's time to start using it to install additional packages. The EPEL repository provides a wide range of open-source software that can greatly enhance the functionality of your system. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the EPEL repository to install packages:

  1. Open a terminal and log in to your AlmaLinux 9 system as the root user.
  2. To install a package from the EPEL repository, use the following command: dnf --enablerepo=epel install <package_name> or yum --enablerepo=epel install <package_name>. Replace <package_name> with the name of the package you want to install. For example, to install the package 'htop', you would run the command: yum --enablerepo=epel install htop.
  3. The package will be downloaded and installed from the EPEL repository. Follow any on-screen prompts or instructions to complete the installation process.
  4. Once the installation is complete, you can start using the newly installed package on your AlmaLinux 9 system.

Using the EPEL repository to install packages on AlmaLinux 9 is a straightforward process that gives you access to a vast collection of software. Whether you need additional networking tools, sysadmin tools, programming languages, or monitoring software, the EPEL repository has you covered. Explore the available packages and enhance the functionality of your AlmaLinux 9 system today.

Additional Tips and Tricks for Using the EPEL Repository

Now that you have successfully installed the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this valuable resource:

  1. Regularly update the EPEL repository: It is important to keep your EPEL repository up to date to ensure you have access to the latest software packages. You can easily update the repository by running the command "yum update epel-release". This will ensure that you have the most recent packages and security updates.
  2. Use advanced search options: Searching for specific packages in the EPEL repository can be made easier by using the command "yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="epel" list available | grep '<package_name>'". This command will help you find the exact package you are looking for in the vast repository.
  3. Exercise caution when installing packages: While the EPEL repository offers a wide range of software packages, it is always important to exercise caution and ensure that you are installing packages from trusted sources. Take the time to read reviews, check the package's reputation, and verify the source before proceeding with the installation.
  4. Refer to the EPEL repository documentation: If you need more information or guidance on using specific packages from the EPEL repository, be sure to visit the official EPEL repository website. They provide detailed documentation and additional resources to help you make the most of this valuable repository.

By following these additional tips and tricks, you can optimize your experience with the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system. Stay updated, search efficiently, exercise caution, and refer to the official documentation when needed. Enjoy exploring the wide range of software packages available and make the most of the enhanced functionality they bring to your system.

Installing EPEL Repository on Other RHEL-based Distributions

If you are using a RHEL-based distribution other than AlmaLinux 9, such as CentOS or Rocky Linux, you can also easily install the EPEL repository to access additional software packages. The installation steps are similar to those outlined in Section 4. Simply follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to your server as the root user.
  2. Run the command dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb to enable the CodeReady Builder repository.
  3. Run the command dnf install epel-release to install the EPEL repository.

By following these steps, you will successfully install the EPEL repository on your CentOS or Rocky Linux system, allowing you to benefit from the wide range of open-source packages available.

Remember to adjust the commands according to the specific distribution you are using.

"Installing the EPEL repository on CentOS or Rocky Linux is a straightforward process that allows you to expand the functionality of your system. Follow the steps outlined in Section 4, replacing 'AlmaLinux 9' with the name of your distribution, and enjoy the benefits of the EPEL repository."

Whether you are using AlmaLinux 9, CentOS, or Rocky Linux, the EPEL repository provides a wealth of additional software packages to enhance your system. Take advantage of the easy installation process and explore the vast collection of open-source tools and applications available through the EPEL repository.


Installing the EPEL repository on your AlmaLinux 9 system is an easy and straightforward process that can greatly enhance the functionality of your system. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly add the EPEL repository and gain access to a wide range of open-source software packages.

With the EPEL repository, you can easily install additional packages that are not available in the default repositories, allowing you to expand the capabilities of your AlmaLinux 9 system. Whether you need networking tools, sysadmin tools, programming languages, or monitoring software, the EPEL repository has you covered.

Upgrade your AlmaLinux 9 system today and unlock its full potential with the EPEL repository. Follow the setup steps outlined in this guide and experience the easy installation process firsthand. Enjoy the benefits of a vast collection of open-source software packages, and take your AlmaLinux 9 system to the next level.

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...