
Easy Guide: How to Install Drupal Ubuntu Server 23 Step-by-Step

Welcome to our easy guide on installing Drupal on Ubuntu Server 23! Drupal is a popular open-source CMS used by millions of people and organizations worldwide to build and maintain websites. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will walk you through the entire installation process, from updating the system packages to configuring the Drupal database and accessing the Drupal configuration page.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, our user-friendly instructions will help you set up Drupal on your Ubuntu server in no time. So, let's get started and explore the world of Drupal!

Preparing the System

Before you start the Drupal installation on your Ubuntu server, there are a few important steps to prepare the system. These steps will ensure that you have the latest software updates and the necessary components to support Drupal.

Updating System Packages

To begin, it's crucial to update your system packages to the latest versions available. This will ensure that you have the most up-to-date software and security patches. Use the following commands to update the packages:

  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt upgrade

Installing the LAMP Stack

The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) is the foundation for running Drupal. You need to install these components to support the CMS. Use the following command to install the LAMP stack:

sudo apt install apache2 mysql-server php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

Verifying Installation

Once the installation is complete, you can verify that Apache and MySQL/MariaDB are running properly. Use the following commands to check the status:

  1. To check Apache: sudo systemctl status apache2
  2. To check MySQL/MariaDB: sudo systemctl status mysql

With the system prepared, you are now ready to proceed with the Drupal installation process.

Installing MariaDB/MySQL for the Database

One of the essential requirements for installing Drupal on your Ubuntu server is a database server. In this guide, we will use MariaDB, a popular and reliable open-source database management system. First, you need to install MariaDB on your server by following the specific instructions for your Ubuntu version.

To ensure the security of your MariaDB installation, it is crucial to set a root password. By doing so, you restrict unauthorized access and protect your database. Additionally, it's recommended to disable remote logins for the root user and remove any test databases that come pre-installed.

Once you have secured your MariaDB installation, the next step is to create a new database specifically for Drupal. This database will store all the content and configurations for your Drupal website. Create a separate user for this database with the necessary privileges to access it. Finally, verify that you can log in to the database as a root user with the password set.

Installing PHP and Apache

Now that you have prepared your system and installed the database server, it's time to install PHP and Apache to support Drupal on your Ubuntu server.

To install PHP, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

This command will install PHP and the necessary PHP extensions required by Drupal. Once the installation is complete, you can verify the installation by running the following command:

php -v

Next, you'll need to install Apache, the web server that will run PHP. Run the following command to install Apache:

sudo apt-get install apache2

After the installation, Apache should automatically start running. You can verify the status of Apache by running the following command:

sudo systemctl status apache2

Configuring PHP for Drupal

Before proceeding further, it's important to update some PHP settings to ensure compatibility with Drupal. Open the php.ini file using the following command:

sudo nano /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini

Within the php.ini file, locate the following lines and make the necessary changes:

  1. Set the date.timezone to your specific timezone. For example:
  2. Set the memory_limit to a value that suits your server's capabilities. For example:

Save the changes to the php.ini file and exit the text editor. Finally, restart Apache for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Downloading and Configuring Drupal

Now that you've prepared your Ubuntu server and installed the necessary components, it's time to download and configure Drupal. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Visit the official Drupal website and download the latest version of Drupal.
  2. Once the download is complete, extract the Drupal files to a temporary location on your server.
  3. Next, move the extracted Drupal files to the appropriate directory in the Apache document root. This is typically located at /var/www/html.
  4. To ensure that Drupal can be accessed by the web server, you need to change the ownership and permissions of the Drupal directory. Use the following command:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/drupal
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/drupal

Make sure to replace /var/www/html/drupal with the actual path to your Drupal installation directory.

Now that Drupal is properly configured, you're ready to move on to the next steps in the installation process.

Creating the Drupal Database

To install Drupal on your Ubuntu server, it is essential to create a dedicated database. This will store all the content and configurations for your Drupal website. Here are the steps to create the Drupal database:

  1. Log in to your MariaDB database server using the command-line interface or a GUI tool like phpMyAdmin.
  2. Once logged in, create a new database specifically for Drupal. You can do this by executing the following command:
  1. After creating the database, it's time to create a new user account that will have access to the Drupal database. This can be done with the following command:
CREATE USER 'drupaluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';
  1. Grant the necessary privileges to the newly created user for the Drupal database by executing the following command:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON drupal.* TO 'drupaluser'@'localhost';
  1. Finally, flush the privileges to ensure that the changes take effect by running the following command:

Remember to replace 'your_password' with a strong password of your choice.

With the Drupal database created and user privileges set, you are now ready to proceed with the installation and configuration of your Drupal website.

Configuring the Virtual Host for Drupal

Once you have installed Drupal on your Ubuntu server, the next step is to configure the virtual host for your Drupal site. This will allow you to access your site through a domain name or server IP address.

To configure the virtual host, you need to create a virtual host configuration file for Drupal in Apache. This file specifies the server name and document root for your Drupal site.

Additionally, you'll need to allow the necessary overrides and permissions for the Drupal directory in the virtual host configuration. This ensures that Drupal can function properly and access the required files.

Finally, you'll need to configure the rewrite rules for clean URLs in Drupal. Clean URLs make your site's URLs more user-friendly and search engine-friendly. Enabling clean URLs is an important step in optimizing your Drupal site for better visibility and usability.

By properly configuring the virtual host for Drupal, you can ensure that your site is accessible and functions correctly. Take the time to carefully follow the necessary steps and verify the configuration before restarting Apache to apply the changes.

Accessing the Drupal Configuration Page

Now that you have successfully set up Drupal on your Ubuntu server, it's time to access the Drupal configuration page and complete the installation process. To do this, open a web browser and enter the IP address or domain name of your server. You should see the Drupal installation page.

Follow the on-screen instructions to get started. Firstly, select an installation profile that best suits your needs. Drupal offers several profiles, including Standard, Minimal, and Demo. Choose the one that aligns with your website requirements.

Next, you'll need to set up the database connection. Provide the necessary details, such as the database name, username, and password. Remember to use the information you previously created when setting up the Drupal database.

Finally, you'll be prompted to configure the site details. This includes providing a site name, email address, and other relevant information. Additionally, you'll need to create an administrative account, which will grant you full access and control over your Drupal site.

Once you've completed all the required fields, click the "Install" button and wait for the installation process to finish. Drupal will perform various tasks in the background to set up your website.

Congratulations! You have now successfully accessed the Drupal configuration page and completed the installation process. Your Drupal-powered website is ready for customization and content creation. Enjoy exploring Drupal's vast range of features and options to build a powerful and dynamic website.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed Drupal on your Ubuntu server. Now it's time to unleash the power of Drupal and start building your website with its rich features and customizable options. With Drupal, you have the freedom to create a unique and dynamic online presence that meets your specific needs.

Remember to keep your Drupal installation up to date by regularly updating both Drupal core and its modules. This ensures that you benefit from the latest security patches and feature enhancements, keeping your website safe and performing optimally.

If you encounter any issues during your Drupal journey, don't worry! Drupal has a vibrant and supportive community ready to assist you. You can find helpful resources in Drupal's extensive documentation, participate in forums, or join local meetups to connect with other Drupal enthusiasts.

Enjoy the simplicity and efficiency of website development with Drupal on your Ubuntu Server 23. Unleash your creativity and build something amazing!

Sys Admin

Sys Admin

I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT Professional since 2012...